Having and maintaining healthy breasts is important for women of all ages. From hormonal imbalances to life-threatening conditions such as cancer, breast health is just as important as other types of health concerns. While you can be diligent about looking for possible signs that something could be wrong, you may be just as likely to mistake normal breast characteristics for a sign of illness or disease. Learn more about the signs of healthy breasts, as well as some measures you can take to keep them healthy.
It’s important to remember when examining your breasts that no pair of breasts are exactly like another; features from areola color to position vary widely among people. The only reason to worry is when sudden and unusual changes occur. Here’s what you need to know about breast health.
While it’s natural for people to be concerned asymmetry, especially when it concerns breasts, it’s not typically a sign of a disorder or a condition. Around 50% of women have asymmetrical breasts. Breasts that are uneven in size and shape are common. If the asymmetry is noticeably different, some women consider surgical solutions, but those are primarily for cosmetic reasons.
Breasts are always changing. Certain conditions can affect the size and shape of breasts, such as the hormonal changes of pregnancy, intake of hormonal drugs, weight gain and loss, and aging in general.
Contrary to popular belief, most lumps are not cancerous, and you can find them in healthy breasts. These lumps are usually cysts created due to estrogen increase during menstruation or even benign tumors. However, a doctor should examine any lump you find. He or she many want to order another mammogram, even if you’ve already had one recently.
Most nonmilk breast discharge is normal and not a sign of health threats. This lightly green/yellow/off-white tinted discharge is normal. Darker colors could indicate fibrocystic conditions. If the discharge lasts longer than a few days or takes on a clear or a bloody, you should see a doctor.
To maintain healthy breasts, consider the following:
If you detect a change in your breasts, contact us today to schedule an appointment. While most issues are benign, changes may be a sign that you seek medically care.