You’re pregnant – congratulations! Whether this is your first child, your third, or your fifth, you probably have a myriad of emotions and physical changes stirring in your body right now. Pregnancy may feel foreign and frightening, especially if it’s all new to you. We’ll examine some key changes to expect during your first trimester and guide you through handling them.
Some of the first changes you will notice are physical, and some can be quite scary. Be prepared for the following.
Yes, you will experience pregnancy-related cravings – about 60% of women do. You can get cravings for anything from the stereotypical peanut butter and pickles to less common foods such as Ranch dressing, fried chicken, and of course, sweets. Keep your diet as healthy and low-calorie as possible so you can give in now and then.
You may experience heartburn during pregnancy because progesterone makes the muscles in your lower esophagus relax. This relaxation can cause acid to travel from the stomach to the chest. Avoid greasy and spicy foods during pregnancy, don’t lie down right after a meal, and eat smaller meals throughout the day.
Mood swings will hit, and that’s normal. In fact, some women cry and experience moodiness during an entire pregnancy. Vitamins, plenty of rest, and moderate exercise can help. Let your friends and family know what you’re going through and what you need to feel calm and in control. If your mood swings involve rage or extreme crying spells, consider speaking to a counselor.
To learn about pregnancy, schedule an appointment at Women’s Medical Associates of Nashville.